Hi Rick,
Have you read through this:
Basically start off simple with your IIR filters cleared and low PID gains such as (P=0.1 I=0 D=0).
Set Feedforwards to zero
Set Deadband Range=0 Gain=1
Set Following Error to big number (1000000)
To be safe limit your max output (speed) to ~10% using Max Output=200
Set reasonable motion profile parameters Vel, Accel, Jerk
Perform a "Move" command (Size=1000 Time 3sec) with a plot type of "Command, Position, Output, vs Time)
Check if the Position attempts to follow Command (does red plot follow blue?).
If it does, your system is servoing. Increase gains to improve performance. If gains are increased too much the system will become unstable and oscillate violently. Hit STOP to disable servos.
Increase gains by significant amounts such as 20% and keep gain numbers simple (ie 1.5 not 1.456678)
Also note how much Output is being commanded (green plot).
Save Screen shots as .png files and post them if you need help.
Good luck